Cisco rv220w Review (SOHO gateway device)

Until a few months ago I had 2 internet connections at home - one for work purposes and one for everyone else in the house. With rising speeds on one of the lines, I decided to merge the 2 connections, but retain the separation of networks through VLAN'ing. Whilst a Linux/BSD box is an option, I wanted something that I couldn't fiddle with too much. I'm ultimately providing a service to my housemates, so it should Just Work(TM).
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Review: TrainSignal Exchange Server 2010 Training

A little less than a month ago Patrick from Red-Track online marketingcontacted me and wanted to know if I'd be interested in reviewing a TrainSignaltraining DVD, specifically one about Exchange 2010. If you want the final word on the quality of the training head straight to the final paragraph, otherwise strap in; This is a long post. I'll have to be honest, I had never heard of TrainSignal until that point, and I was wondering if it was a bit of a scam.
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