looqs Meebox / “Novatech 500GB Home Storage NAS”

A few weekends ago I picked up the looqs Meebox from Novatech. I would link to the looqs site, but as of the time of writing it's currently unavailable because they've not renewed the domain (edit: this is now resolved). TL;DR: The meebox is cheap because it's cheap. Runs an old Linux kernel, given time could probably get your own/other distros running, but I called it a day due to (lack of) hardware performance, the likelihood of not increasing its performance with custom “firmware”, and the fact that the vendor site wasn't available to dismantle a firmware update file at the time.
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Migrating from ISA 2006 to Forefront TMG 2010

Unfortunately this isn't one of those success stores. But then again if I wrote about those I'd be hitting a few thousand posts a year, and plus they're really boring to write about. We began the project by powering up some virtual machines and test importing the configuration from ISA 2006 to Forefront TMG 2010, and all appeared fine. The ruleset was there, the VPN configurations were there, and so on.
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Review: TrainSignal Exchange Server 2010 Training

A little less than a month ago Patrick from Red-Track online marketingcontacted me and wanted to know if I'd be interested in reviewing a TrainSignaltraining DVD, specifically one about Exchange 2010. If you want the final word on the quality of the training head straight to the final paragraph, otherwise strap in; This is a long post. I'll have to be honest, I had never heard of TrainSignal until that point, and I was wondering if it was a bit of a scam.
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Working from home (and IBM IMM, briefly)

All in all for the last 5 years I've worked exclusively from home, and prior to that it was on and off depending on circumstances, and so on. During this time I've often been asked the same sort of questions over and over again;"Is it lonely?“"How hard is it to motivate yourself? I don't think I could get stuff done!“The first question I can understand. Sometimes you do need to see someone else, physically there in front of you, but to be frank, I've never been a great social animal, which probably helps massively.
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