Marvell 88SE9172 SATA3 under Linux (as of 3.2.0)
I've been the happy owner of a Gigabyte GA-HA65M-UD3H-B3 for a little while, however any drives connected to the Marvell 88SE9172 chipset have never been recognised.
Turns out that the standard AHCI driver supports it just fine; it just doesn't know the vendor and product PCI identifiers. Simple fix is to teach the kernel about them post-boot;
/bin/echo 1b4b 9192 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ahci/new_id This basically tells the AHCI driver to load itself for the vendor (1b4b) and product (9192) ID.
Debian on the AppleTV
It's hardly a first, but I did find some of the information out there a bit spread out. So, just incase I need to go through this again, I figured a ‘blog post might be interesting - doubly so as I've not really got anything interesting from work, that I can blog about at the moment!
So, a bit of background. The AppleTV (ATV) is basically a dumb x86 PC - Pentium M 1GHz, 256MB of RAM, 40 or 160GB PATA HDD, 1x USB 2, 1x IR receiver, 10/100Mb ethernet, 801.
The equivalent of ClusterSSH or PSSH, for Windows
Mark Baggett over at PauldotComput together an interesting article on running a command on every machine in your domain from the command line. I genuinely hadn't considered tying dsquery and wmi together in this way. The best thing is that with a little tweaking you can easily run the same command against a subset of your domain. For instance, say you had X terminal/web/sql servers that all lived in the same OU - just dsquery against that and you're laughing.
Graphing Micromiser with Munin
I've been playing with Micromiserfor a few days, and wanted to graph what it claims to be saving on one of the servers. Luckily this is pretty easy with Munin (which is already running on the box), since Micromiser logs into syslog occasionally. Below is the plugin I hacked together that looks at syslog and uses sed to extract the percentage saving. It's not pretty, but it does work.
Perhaps this'll save you a few minutes.
HP PSC printers and Terminal Servers
I've written about specifying drivers for redirected printersin the past, but it's not something I've had to do for a few months.
Last week we had to get a 1500 series HP PSC working on a home workers terminal server session, and it turns out that the “proper” driver isn't correct and doesn't install. Luckily it seems that a lot of the HP PSC's use the same internals as the HP Deskjet series.
Mass importing users with Powershell
I've got a bit of a love-hate relationship with Powershell, but in this case it's turned into a bit of love. Importing users with Powershell is relatively easy to do when combined with ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory, from Quest, which adds a handful of rather useful functions. PSCXsupposedly has something similar, but I'm obviously missing them completely.
import-csv C:\Path\To\Users.csv | foreach-object {
New-QADUser -FirstName $_.givenname
-LastName $_.surname
-SamAccountName $_.
Uptime monitoring, using Munin, on Linux
Since I didn't come across an existing plugin after a quick google, and nor is there one in the official Munin repository that works on my Debian installations, I thought I'd post my implementation. It's exceptionallysimple, however it might save someone 10 seconds of research and coding in the future.
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
print "graph_args –base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_title Uptime in days\n";
print "graph_category system\n";
print "graph_vlabel uptime\n";
print "uptime.
Automagically configuring Wyse thin clients running “blazer”
It's probably no secret to some people who read this that I do a fair bit of work with terminal servers and thin clients (dumb, low power machines that connect to a terminal or citrix server). However, most deployments I've been involved with at work at relatively small, our largest of which has recently gone up to a load balanced set of 5 Windows Terminal Servers, a few weekends ago.
MS ISA Server 2004 to Draytek Vigor 2800 IPSec Tunnel
A few weeks ago I had to setup my first IPSec tunnel between ISA 2004 and a non-Windows device, in this case a Draytek Vigor 2800, to create a site-to-site VPN. I had a few things that I hit on the Draytek which stumped me for a little bit (although probably could've been resolved much more quickly had I been more familiar with a Draytek Vigor I fear).
First thing I did was to head into the ISA console and setup an IPSec tunnel, using almost all of the defaults (this is important as the settings for the Draytek must match the ISA/Windows defaults).
Group policy “Restricted Groups”
Restricted Groups is a part of the GPO Computer configuration tree that I've not ever used until today, primarily because I'd never looked into what it does exactly, and partially because it has a misleading name (in my mind) and I assumed that it did something else.
What this feature allows you to do is configure member ship of groups within Active Directory or in the local groups of domain computers.